GLTA President’s Address: “The last 6 months have been of unsurpassed growth for the GLTA”

The first six months of the year have been one of exciting growth for the GLTA. As we move away from the disruptions of the pandemic, we see greater participation at events, the average number of participants per event has increased. We have also seen new or additional events on the GLTA World Tour. In the next 12 months we will have sanctioned events in Taiwan, Portugal and Aotearoa-New Zealand for the very first time and new events in North America, Europe and Australia.

The GLTA is an organisation that gives the LGBTQ+ community opportunities to participate in the sport of tennis and form meaningful social connections. The Role of the GLTA Board is to support member clubs and players so that the events that are sanctioned by the organisation continue operate around the world. The Board also nurtures future growth of the organisation by developing strategies and overseeing the governance of the GLTA that allows the organisation to adapt and thrive.

We must also be aware of the changing and challenging conditions faced by our players and clubs. Previously established rights and freedoms are in danger of being wound back, members of our LGBTQ+ community face increase criticism and discrimination. This makes our events even more important as a safe place for people to be themselves. The GLTA will continue to advocate for the inclusion and visibility of our community in Tennis. All of us in the organisation should be mindful that we need to consider the needs of underrepresented groups in our community and create a welcome environment for these players. Women, the Trans community and those who identify as non-binary are welcome at our events and we hope that section of our community sees the GLTA as a supportive and understanding organisation.

glta women
Women in GLTA always have FUN together

As President CEO of the GLTA, I have observed the volunteers who serve the organisation, they dedicate themselves to the values that I have outlined. I have been particularly impressed by the way the current board members have been able to work together with unity and reach consensus on a number of issues. Though the board only meets in person twice a year, we communicate every day as we respond to the needs of member clubs and players around the world.

Looking ahead to the next 6 months we hope to be able to announce very soon a special location for the year end champions race that will see the GLTA World Championships elevated as an event. I would also encourage each tournament team to reach out via zoom to myself or one of the board members to clarify any queries you may have, learn new tricks on the software or just to run some ideas past us. I have held a number of zoom calls with not only new clubs but also existing tournament teams as they navigate setting up their events. This helps us on the board keep up to date with the issues you face as Tournament Directors.

I look forward to seeing many of you at one of our events or hearing from you via email, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all every success weather it be in organising a tournament or competing on court

Rowen D’Souza, GLTA President CEO