The GLTA Celebrates Success

At the conclusion of GLTA-sanctioned tournaments around the world, participating players are sent a satisfaction survey to let us know how they felt about their experience. The GLTA Executive Board uses those surveys to announce winners for our GLTA World Tour Player Choice Awards.

Results for the 2018–2019 Tour Year are the following
(winners are in BOLD):

Large Tournament Overall – Coupe de la Reine (Montreal), Madrid Open, Alamo City Tennis Classic (San Antonio)

Small Tournament Overall – Out in Hong Kong, Aloha Tennis Open, Tallinn Colour Games

Large Tournament Team – Motor City Tennis Classic (Detroit), Coupe de la Reine (Montreal), Boston Tennis Classic

Small Tournament Team – Out in Hong Kong, Aloha Tennis Open, Women’s Sunshine Open Gran Canaria

The GLTA tournament year starts on November 1 and runs through Oct 31 the following year. During the GLTA tournament year, you earn points towards qualification for the GLTA Champions Race.

We divide our tournaments into 2 groups based on number of participants:

  • Small Tournaments are those who have less than 100 player participants.
  • Large Tournaments are those who have more than 100 player participants.

The next time you play a tournament, look for the GLTA survey in your inbox – have a say in the GLTA World Tour Player Choice Awards.

We look forward to hearing from you!