GLTA Tournament Directors are the backbone of our organization. Without their willingness to spend time on setting up and carrying out the tournaments and sharing their enthusiasm for the sport, GLTA would not currently have 75 tournaments worldwide and the opportunities for playing and enjoying tennis in our community would be greatly diminished.
1. Would you like to become a GLTA Tournament Director?
Is there a GLTA sanctioned tournament in your area already? GLTA is always expanding and looking to add tennis tournaments in new areas. We welcome all energetic, enthusiastic people to join our community as Tournament Directors to help spread the network and get your city on the map as one of the tournament destinations.

The main responsibilities of a Tournament Director are:
- planning all aspects of the tournament (e.g. facilities, sign-up process, tournament fees, scheduling, operations and other procedures) from start to finish and providing tennis balls and trophies;
- Being fully familiar with the GLTA Tournament Rules and implementing the said rules during the tournament;
- Ensuring the smooth day-to-day running of the tournament;
- Using the GLTA tournament software for player information, draws, scheduling and results;
- Organising off-court socialising events for the participants (e.g. tournament dinner)
- Promoting the event among your local GLTA community and co-ordinating with the GLTA Board to promote the tournament among our international players.
2. Tournament Rules
GLTA Tournament Rules are a reference document for all our players and tournament directors. We aim to create the most fair, fun and inclusive situation possible at all times for all players. We rely on our tournament directors to know and implement the tournament rules to provide a fair and friendly environemnt for all.
3. GLTA Divisions & Rankings
Match play at GLTA Tournaments is based on the GLTA ranking system. This is to ensure that players always play with and against other players of similar abilities.
The GLTA Division Standard Guidelines are there to help all our players choose the correct division based on their tennis abilities. If a player, however, is unsure about which division to choose, it is up to the tournament director to assist him or her. At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of the tournament director to ensure that all participants play in the correct categories.
4. GLTA Tournament Software
All GLTA tournaments are run on the GLTA Tournament Software. Using a common software makes it easier to make draws, schedule and manage the tournaments. Tournament files are also an input for the GLTA player rankings and their Championship rankings.
When downloading the software, please not that you download the English language version for the full GLTA functionality.
To run the software you will also need a validation file. Validation files are sent to Tournament Directors yearly in January.
PS! The tournament software is not limited to GLTA tournaments and can also be used for other club tournaments.